Hoarders Need Space To Store Stuff Too

Hoarders Need Space To Store Stuff

Those who hoard their things sometimes do so because they don’t know where to start.

Store some boxes, bags, and things in a self storage unit temporarily to provide a space in which they can effectively sort through their items and remove what they don’t want or need.

The inability to throw things away grips many people across the country today. It isn’t exclusive to one demographic or another. No one is immune from this condition. One of the reasons that many who hoard find it impossible to change their circumstances is that they have nowhere to put anything away when they do decide to clean things out. Getting organized means that there must be a place to sort through what’s there. In some cases, there is no space in which that can take place as the house is filled to the brim.

One solution to the problem is to rent a self storage unit temporarily to give them some space in which to begin organizing. For example, rent a storage unit nearby that’s the size of one of their typical sized rooms. Take everything from one room and place it into the storage unit. They will then have one room in which to take things from other areas and sort it out.

Try placing a large trash can in the empty room along with several boxes. When they’re ready to get organized, they have a place to toss the trash, place items they will give away in some boxes, items to keep in other boxes until they have a place to put them away, and boxes in which they can place things to take to the thrift or consignment store.

With some room to spread out they will be able to sort things from one room in a neutral and empty room, perhaps helping to put the items in a different perspective. Putting all items from one centrally located room into storage will potentially start the ball rolling. They can start with the next room, bringing boxes and bags filled with random items in and putting the items into the correct box or trash can. Move through the whole house in this way until there’s lots of room to organize the things they do wish to keep.

Some people use a self storage rental to clear out their garage or basement. Using the same concept, placing the items in storage gives a clear space in which to begin seeing what it will look like when much of the ‘stuff’ has been purged, thrown away, given away, or stored neatly on shelves or in cabinets. The trick for overwhelmed hoarders may simply be to provide a clear and neutral space in which they can sort their items more effectively.

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